Over the top performances, a lot of banter, flashy costumes and atmosphere that is full on party, and you know you are in a Steel Panther concert. I saw them on the day of love: Valentine’s Day live in Paradiso, Amsterdam.
Honestly, you can’t make it up. Steel Panther performing live in an old church on Valentine’s Day. However, that was what happened, as Steel Panther made their return to the Netherlands on the Sunset Strip Live tour. I had never been before to this venue, and it is one of those classic places. This sacred place is a former church turned into concert hall and saw the likes of Prince, Rolling Stones, Golden Earring, David Bowie and many more perform.
Compared to those acts, it feels like Steel Panther is a bit of the odd one out. However, we are in Amsterdam, and the show was sold out months in advance. Tonight is going to be good!
Greek guitar legend Gus G was opening the night. Gus G has been the guitarist for Ozzy Osbourne and Greek band Firewind, but tonight was all about his solo stuff. Honestly, I wasn’t familiar with the guitarist as much, but boy, he can play! What a show, what a playing! It was incredible to watch and hear.
The roars from the crowd became bigger the more he played and shredded, and you could feel the atmosphere was on fire. His set included a wide variety of styles, from traditional rock to metal and including a cover of Money for Nothing. Although I only mention Gus G, his band was tight and did a great job.
On the surface, it is a miracle that a band like Steel Panther can even exist. Let alone grow in audience size. Singing rude songs like Gloryhole, Fat Girl and Asian Hooker brought them a lengthy career and audience that keeps wanting more. They look like any 80s hair metal band, but with a sound that blows most 80s hair metal bands away.
Compared to earlier tours, the Sunset Strip Live tour focuses more on their early days with all the crowd favourites and a lot of covers. Eyes of Panther and Goin’ in the Backdoor kicked off the show in true old-fashioned heavy metal style. Honestly, from the second the band entered the stage
You Really Got Me, and Jump were the first covers of the night. And I got to say lead singer Michael Starr would give Diamond Dave a run for his money as he sounded badass. Politically correctness isn’t the forte of Steel Panther, and I suppose that is the reason we love them as much as we do. Yeah, they are a ridiculous band, but they rock and are funny as hell. No other artist can get away with song titles like Fat Girl (Thar She Blows) and Poontang Boomerang.
Classical songs that are known within the rock and metal community that are sounding hilarious, but are super cleverly written. A kick ass cover of Mötley Crüe’s Kickstart My Heart kept the night going. I don’t think we need to highlight that as a whole, Steel Panther sounds better than Mötley Crüe have been able to do in the last 30 years. Sorry, not sorry, Crüe heads.
Satchel rocked out an incredible guitar solo and throughout the show was on fire. Incredible licks and riffs! Perhaps his solo falls into nothingness compared to bassist Lexxi Foxx. He doesn’t do an ordinary bass solo, he goes for a hair solo. Hilarious to see a guy on stage swing his hair while playing bass and have two band members with leave blowers highlight his marvellous hair.
Party All Day and more covers of Pour Some Sugar on Me and Livin’ on a Prayer followed before we the show calmed down. It was time for the band’s interpretation of a ballad: Community Property. It is an insane experience hearing 1500 voices sing a long with this banger. The show ended with the absolute hits, Death to All but Metal and Gloryhole.
When you go to a Steel Panther show, you prepare for a wild, but highly entertaining experience. The technical proficiency of classic metal in their banter filled performance is a must-see, and I had an awesome time.
This show had it all: a ton of banter, great musicianship with tongue in cheek lyrics (if we can even call it that), a marriage proposal (she said yes) and so much more. It was a perfect way to spend Valentine’s Day.