The launch of a new product meant we had to update the current product range. An exciting project in which I had a big part.
A big part of any company is a product range, highlighting all the latest and greatest products. It was great working on this and having such a big part in it. The studio team decided on the size, but I had the lead in rewriting all the product texts and updating the imagery. The trust the company put in me to rewrite the About Cardo section, which was later used as a boilerplate on all press releases, was great. It really made me want to deliver the best I could. Diving into this project was a blast! Not only did I learn a ton and have an amazing team, but it also turned out to be more than just a task. It became a cool journey where I grew and experienced some awesome teamwork.
View this version of the product range here.
Seeing the product ranges printed and folded in stores around the world is amazing. It is a great way to see the brand and your personal work being represented. The content I had written for this product range was, over time, also translated for key markets like Germany and Italy.
With the launch of the new PACKTALK EDGEPHONES we updated the product range to include this new product on the back of the flyer. Another change we made was bringing the About Cardo section to its full dedicated page. We changed around some of the imagery but, in general, kept the look and feel the same.
View this version of the product range here.
A small change occurred at the start of 2024, with now saying the correct year again and adding a dedicated page to RISER, removing the About Cardo section.
View this version here.
See my full portfolio here.